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السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

Five Things I Love About Traveling

5 Reasons I Love To Travel

Having the ability to travel around the world is one of the most amazing things in the world, there are so many awesome things to learn, and help us grow – I could probably name 100′s of reasons why I love traveling but for today here are my top 5 reasons for why I continue to be motivated to travel.
1. Meeting New Cultures
I’m almost obsessed with meeting and learning about new cultures, I absolutely love it. They’re interesting, often (to me) strange, provoking and always have something to teach.
I learn so much by visiting places with a different culture than my own, I also find that by understanding the culture you can understand why the people are the way they are – on such a deep level.
2. History
I’m not usually a big history fan, but when it comes to traveling I really love to know the history about every place I visit. By learning the history of a place I get a better appreciation and understanding of why things are the way they are there.
3. Food
Food (not just eating it) is a big part of travel for me. I love going to supermarkets, little boutiques and markets, and can literally spend hours just looking at strange new and interesting food items which I’ve never seen before.
4. The People
Often I meet travelers bragging about how many countries they’ve been to and all the ‘fun’ things they’ve done. To me, that doesn’t really matter that much, what matters to me is not the places you go to but more importantly the people you meet while you are there.
5. Using The Five Senses
Another thing I like to remember from my travels are the different smells, sounds, food flavors and visual colors you get to experience. My brain finds itself working on overdrive trying to take it all in, and long afterward I can think back to a place and still remember what  kind of vibe I felt. I’ll always remember the feeling a place gives me, whether it’s good or bad.
What do you love about traveling? And what KEEPS you motivated to travel around the world?

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